In most countries, subnational governments are responsible for delivering important services and infrastructure in the context of broader multi-level governance arrangements. Conditional grants are widely...
The role that fiscal decentralization plays in public sector finance and public sector management around the world is evolving rapidly. Fiscal decentralization, as part of broader decentralization reforms...
This paper develops a dynamic infinite-horizon model with two layers of governments to study theoretically and quantitatively how fiscal decentralization affects local and central government debt accumulation...
The body of this report has six sections. Following the executive summary of the key messages and recommendations, Section one provides a brief introduction and background and context. Section two presents...
The problems in Croatia’s fiscal decentralization system have long been recognized. The fragmented territorial-administrative structure, fiscal decentralization efforts with insufficient fiscal autonomy...
Decentralization, the transfer of authority, responsibility and resources over public function from the central government to local governments or other local entities is one of the most significant public...
The development objective of Second Capacity Building in Public Financial Management Project is to improve budget predictability, control and transparency in the Kyrgyz Republic. This restructuring requires...
Implementing the shift to federalism in Nepal is a big task, one that only a few low-income countries around the world have attempted. It is especially challenging in Nepal where the administrative capacities...
The development objective of Deployment of State Resources for Better Service Delivery Project for Mali is to improve the availability and timeliness of resources from the central government to local governments...
Mexico has one of the largest vertical fiscal gaps among comparable countries worldwide. The importance of intergovernmental transfers is determined both by the size of the vertical fiscal gap and by the...
In the 1990s, subnational borrowing in Mexico was oriented by a market approach but moral hazard and soft budget constraints associated to the perception that the federal government will rescue subnational...