This edition of the multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) annual report provides a comprehensive look at the progress and achievements of the fund under the three windows on: (a) jobs lending at scale; (b) measurement...
The Global Jobs Indicators Database (JOIN) provides information on labor market outcomes from countries across all income groups with a focus on low- and middle-income countries. The sources are in most...
Good jobs are often a key economic issue in advanced and developing economies alike. Jobs outcomes that are socially sub-optimal, inefficient, or inequitable vary a great deal by country, but can include...
The Bhutan Second Green and Resilient Growth Development Policy Credit aims to (i) strengthen resilient and private sector-led growth through fiscal sustainability and enhanced access to finance and markets...
This tool provides charts and tables of indicators from the World Bank Enterprise Survey (WBES). It is intended to help analysts diagnose the key policy, institutional, or market failures causing sub optimal...
Part of a three-region set of papers analyzing coal-related labor market challenges in Poland, this paper focuses on Wielkopolska, which is most advanced in the transition out of coal. Finding viable job...
The authors document the correlation between the workplace diversity of bureaucracies and public services delivered. The authors do so in the context of the federal civil service in Nigeria, the most important...
Jobs are critical to ending the cycle of poverty because they give people the opportunity to support themselves and their families. Policymakers focused on helping people move into the workforce often...
The study aims at assisting the Government in undertaking an evaluation of the system of secondary education, and skills development, in order to plan the many complex decisions, and future international...
The note questions whether economic analyses, and country experiences allow generalizations, such as those from supporters of labor unions, who see these as a collective voice which enhance productivity...