In the past 25 years, a number of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and private companies have been established to provide goods and services to mine action programs worldwide. The main trends affecting...
Norms in development are typically established at the global level to solve complex development challenges on the ground. These norms are standards of expected behavior about how things ought to be conducted...
The objective of the Social and Economic Recovery Project for Croatia is to support the economic and social revitalization of disadvantaged and war-affected areas as a way to increase social cohesion in...
The School Education Quality Assurance Project (SEQAP) in Vietnam will aim to improve and decrease inequity in learning outcomes, by supporting the Government's transition to full day schooling (FDS)...
The board of a 21st century corporation has the imperative to navigate the shoals of regulatory landmines without making a shipwreck of its entrepreneurial energy and strategic thrusts, aptly summarizing...
Philip T. N. Koh’s article is a welcome contribution to understanding a director’s duties of good faith, care, skill, and diligence. As he writes, ‘[A] director must act in the best interests of the company...
The audit differs from the Implementation Completion Report ratings as follows: the Highway Sector Project (HSP) outcome is rated unsatisfactory contrary to the ICR satisfactory rating, yet concurs with...
The objectives of the Emergency Recovery Project (ERP) were substantially relevant to both Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH's) own reconstruction needs and policy and to the Bank's own strategy in support of...
The World Bank's conflict agenda supports financing landmine clearance to make available land and infrastructure that are required for a development activity agreed with a borrower. In February 1997, the...
This document will analyze the reconstruction needs caused by the landmine, explosive ordinance, that is, munitions containing explosives, nuclear fission or fission material and biological or chemical...
Overall, the project outcome is satisfactory, sustainability likely, and the institutional development impact high. Key lessons learned follow. Given the nature of an emergency operation, as in this case...