Security token offerings (STOs) recently have gained attention as an alternative mechanism for funding. By leveraging blockchain technology, STOs facilitate the issuance of tokens that are backed by tangible...
This annual report highlights the Tribunal’s work and accomplishments during Fiscal Year 2024. This report offers an overview of the Tribunal’s activities, the significant legal issues it has examined...
The objective of this assignment is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the legal and regulatory framework governing the energy sector in Armenia, with a specific focus on in particular the large scale...
Corruption harms communities and impacts the global economy. It discourages business opportunities, hinders foreign aid and investment, and exacerbates inequality. It victimizes society’s most vulnerable...
The Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) exercise is a joint initiative of the World Bank and the IMF to develop guidelines to strengthen the international financial architecture. The...