This report reviews Europe’s experience in spearheading CE policy. Its aim is not only to highlight its features and accomplishments, but also identify existing barriers to future progress and key measures...
В настоящия доклад се прави преглед на опита на Европа в ръководенето на политиката за СЕ. Целта му е не само да подчертае неговите характеристики и постижения, но и да идентифицира съществуващите пречки...
U ovom se izvješću razmatra iskustvo Europe u predvođenju politike istočne Europe. Njegov cilj nije samo istaknuti njegove značajke i postignuća, već i identificirati postojeće prepreke budućem napretku...
W niniejszym sprawozdaniu dokonano przeglądu doświadczeń Europy w zakresie przewodzenia polityce Europy Środkowej. Jego celem jest nie tylko podkreślenie jego cech i osiągnięć, ale także zidentyfikowanie...
This report is a brief introduction to the Republic of the Marshall Islands Book Supply Chain, focusing for practical reasons on the National capital, Majuro. The initiative began through the lens of human...
The World Bank Group is moving into new fields of activity in its efforts to promote industrial development in the poorer countries.