The Middle East and North Africa faces significant climate challenges, such as increasing temperatures, heightened flood risks, frequent droughts, and growing air pollution issues. These challenges are...
Ratings of the Second Recovery and Resilience Development Policy Operation (DPO) Project for Samoa were as follows: outcomes were moderately satisfactory, risk to development outcome was high, Bank performance...
The COVID-19 pandemic and the global shocks that followed have worsened fiscal and debt positions in small states, intensifying their already substantial fiscal challenges—especially the need to manage...
The development objective of Enhancing Resilience in Kyrgyzstan project is to strengthen the capacity of the government of the Kyrgyz Republic to respond to natural disasters, provide a safer and improved...
In 2023, the economy expanded by 4.3 percent, largely driven by a strong recovery in tourism. Fiscal and current account deficits narrowed significantly; the unemployment rate declined but remains high...
In quantitative modeling, "complexity management" means aligning a model's complexity with its intended use. Insufficient complexity can lead to weak predictions and misguided decisions, while excess complexity...
We examine recently collected data from Haiti’s social registry new shock module to measure the scale of the August 2021 earthquake’s impact on households and assess the adequacy of the relief response...
The Philippines is highly vulnerable to multiple hazards including tropical cyclones, floods, storm surges, droughts caused by El Niño, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. While the country has made significant...
The objective of this Program was to enhance the long term resilience and adaptation capacity of OCTs to extreme and recurrent natural hazards to the benefit of the most vulnerable. Specifically, this...
Mobility of goods and people in rural Haiti is constrained by the sparce road network and low maintenance of existing infrastructure. These challenges are further exacerbated by frequent natural disasters...
Natural disasters—such as flooding, hurricanes, and earthquakes—have, on average, affected 130 million people and caused more than 40,000 deaths annually worldwide over the past three decades. The average...
The objective of this report is to provide recommendations to the Government of Sint Maarten (GoSXM) for the formulation of a country-specific comprehensive disaster risk financing (DRF) strategy based...
La Mauritanie est fortement exposée à des sécheresses récurrentes et extrêmes qui entraînent des crises de sécurité alimentaire. Avec l’appui de la Banque Mondiale, le gouvernement mauritanien a mis en...
Mauritania is highly exposed to recurrent and extreme droughts resulting in food security crises. The Government of Mauritania, with support from the World Bank, has introduced a new institutional and...
Natural disasters have gender-differentiated effects. Women and girls are disproportionally impacted due to existing inequalities in access to endowments, economic opportunities, and agency. The objective...
The development objective of the Second Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Development Policy Loan with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option for Dominican Republic is to support the Government of Dominican...
Циљ процене штете и потреба јесте утврђивање врсте и величине штета и губитака у натуралним и вредносним показатељима, по територијама, инфраструктури и имовини, времену и узроцима настанка штета, и...
Циљ процене штете и потреба јесте утврђивање врсте и величине штета и губитака у натуралним и вредносним показатељима, по територијама, инфраструктури и имовини, времену и узроцима настанка штета, и...
Циљ процене штете и потреба јесте утврђивање врсте и величине штета и губитака у натуралним и вредносним показатељима, по територијама, инфраструктури и имовини, времену и узроцима настанка штета, и то...
Циљ процене штете и потреба јесте утврђивање врсте и величине штета и губитака у натуралним и вредносним показатељима, по територијама, инфраструктури и имовини, времену и узроцима настанка штета, и то...