The document collection focuses on the challenges and opportunities facing a nation striving to achieve upper-middle-income status. Despite recent economic growth and poverty reduction, the country faces...
In 2012, the Lower Mekong Basin countries—the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Cambodia, and Viet Nam—faced the need to balance ecosystem protection with infrastructure development, particularly in hydropower...
Understanding global food production and productivity patterns is crucial for policy and in-vestment decisions aimed at addressing poverty, food insecurity, and climate change. This pa-per develops comprehensive...
В Страновом докладе о климате и развитии Таджикистана (CCDR) исследуется влияние изменения климата и глобальной декарбонизации на развитие Таджикистана. В нем определены ключевые области повышения устойчивости...
Las situaciones de fragilidad y conflictos, la degradación del medio ambiente y los desastres naturales van en aumento y amenazan con revertir los avances en materia de desarrollo. En la última década...
Fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS), environmental degradation, and natural disasters are on the rise and threaten to reverse development gains. In the past decade, violent civil conflicts have...
وتتزايد الأوضاع الهشة والمتأثرة بالصراعات، والتدهور البيئي، والكوارث الطبيعية، وتهدد بعكس اتجاه مكاسب التنمية. في العقد الماضي، تضاعفت النزاعات الأهلية العنيفة ثلاث مرات وتضاعف عدد الأشخاص الذين يعيشون...
Увеличение доли стран мира, страдающих от нестабильности и конфликтов, рост масштабов деградации природной среды и стихийных бедствий создают угрозу сведения на нет достижений в области развития. Итоги...
Les situations de fragilité et de conflit (FCS), la dégradation de l'environnement et les catastrophes naturelles sont en augmentation et menacent d'annuler les acquis du développement. Au cours de la...
Fragile and conflict-affected situations (FCS), environmental degradation, and natural disasters are on the rise and threaten to reverse development gains. In the past decade, violent civil conflicts have...
On Wednesday 20 March 2024 the World Bank, in partnership with the Environmental Management Agency (EMA), conducted a one-day High-Level Stakeholder Consultative Workshop on Piloting Participatory Land-use...
The Implementation Completion and Results Report (ICR) is one of the World Bank’s main instruments for self-evaluation. This manual provides comprehensive guidance and practice examples to evaluators for...
The development objective of the Secondary Education Expansion Project for Uganda is to enhance access to lower secondary education by focusing on underserved populations in targeted areas. Some of the...
The existing literature on development and economic diversification finds an inverted-U function between these two variables, whereby economies diversify as they grow up to a point, after which they start...
The world faces a triple crisis of three interconnected issues, development, climate, and nature, and current levels of climate action are insufficient. Ending poverty on a livable planet requires all...
A growth success story: natural resource wealth and strong institutions transformed Botswana into a stable upper-middle-income country, raising living conditions. Botswana’s track record of strong growth...
In this time of global upheaval and a rapidly changing climate, the economies of Sub-Saharan Africa stand to benefit from vast endowments in natural resources and the transition to a low-carbon economy...