The present report is based on data collected through an in-depth literature review on the six targeted countries as well as individual interviews with a total of 147 key off-grids solar (OGS) stakeholders...
The development objective of Off-Grid Solar Access Project for Underserved Counties is to increase access to modern energy services in underserved counties of Kenya. Some of the negative impacts include:...
One of the key concerns raised by the developers of mini grids is "what will become of my mini grid when the main grid arrives?" This report presents detailed case studies of what happened to isolated...
In spite of the techno-economic potential to generate 43,000 MW of hydroelectric power, Nepal is currently facing a crippling energy crisis. In the fiscal year of 2013-14, Nepal’s domestic generation met...
In spite of the techno-economic potential to generate 43,000 MW of hydroelectric power, Nepal is currently facing a crippling energy crisis. In the fiscal year of 2013-14, Nepal’s domestic generation met...
The objective of the Catalyzing Rural and Renewable Energy Project for Liberia is to rehabilitate, over a five year period, Monrovia's power supply and rapidly expand roll-out of the network to a significant...
Many developing countries are falling short on delivering basic infrastructure services to their populations. An estimated 1 billion people are without safe water, and 1.6 billion are without electricity...
The development objective of the System Efficiency Improvement, Equitization, and Renewables Project (SEIERP), additional financing for Vietnam is to build small hydropower plants (SHP) with capacity of...
The development objective of the System Efficiency Improvement, Equitization, and Renewables Project (SEIERP), additional financing for Vietnam is to build small hydropower plants (SHP) with capacity of...
The manual has been prepared to encourage, and support the design of improved village electrification schemes, anticipating its usefulness for rural development agencies, as well as for national, and provincial...