The Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) is a leading global facility dedicated to enabling private sector investment in infrastructure within emerging and developing economies by addressing...
The development objective of the Second Boosting Resilience and Unlocking Productive Potential Development Policy Financing Project for Gambia, The are to (i) accelerate private sector participation in...
This policy note posits that Mexico’s economic growth can be driven by private sector productivity and leveraging of impactful entrepreneurship and innovation. Mexico's economic growth has been stagnant...
The Kyrgyz Republic has made impressive progress in poverty reduction, reducing the 2017 PPP adjusted US$3.65 per day poverty rate by nearly half: from 24.8 percent in 2010 to 11.7 percent in 2019. However...
En términos generales, el marco de gobernanza de las finanzas abiertas incluye los objetivos de las políticas, los mandatos, las instituciones, los mecanismos de coordinación, las leyes y reglamentos...
Building on the success of the past two global workshops on private sector finance, the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes...
In the face of declining fiscal space and the need to build back better after the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, governments are turning to public-private partnerships (PPPs) to deliver infrastructure...
Between December 2017 and April 2018, a joint Government of Uganda and World Bank team conducted a study on public-private partnership (PPP) disclosure in Uganda, using the PPP Disclosure Diagnostic template...
Based on research and analysis over the past few years, the World Bank Group Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Cross-Cutting Solution Area has worked on creating a Framework for Disclosure in Public-Private...
A joint government of Honduras and World Bank team conducted a study in Honduras between January and June 2017, using the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Disclosure Diagnostic template recommended by...
A World Bank Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) team conducted a study in Nigeria between September 2016 and April 2017, using the PPP Disclosure Diagnostic template recommended by the World Bank's Framework...
A World Bank Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) team conducted a study in Ghana between September 2016 and March 2017, using the PPP Disclosure Diagnostic template recommended by the World Bank, Framework...
The World Bank Group recommends a systematic structure for proactively disclosing information through this Framework for Disclosure in Public-Private Partnership Projects. The Framework is embedded in...
For too long, there has been a dearth of literature and guidance on policy and practice in public-private partnership (PPP) disclosure and a wide gap in understanding the mechanics of disclosure by practitioners...
La SFI a particulièrement aidé les entreprises de deuxième rang et les PME ayant un accès limité aux financements longs, comme l'entreprise brésilienne d'électroménager Mallory Limitada. Elle a approuvé...
This press release announces on November 12, 1996, that the Executive Vice President Jannik Lindbaek declared the promotion of Mr. Assaad Jabre to Vice President, Portfolio Management and Advisory Operations...
This press release announces on November 12, 1996, that a new paper by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) titled "Financing Private Infrastructure" highlights the significant increase in funds...
La Société financière internationale (SFI) a publié une nouvelle étude sur le crédit-bail et les marchés émergents, mettant en lumière ses 20 années d'expérience dans ce domaine. L'étude montre comment...
This press release announces on August 20, 1996, that the agricultural land reform in Ukraine is progressing with the expansion of the Donetsk Model for land privatization and farm reorganization. Initially...
This press release announces on August 6, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) have approved investments of US$2.25 million and US$1.8 million respectively...