The Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF) is a leading global facility dedicated to enabling private sector investment in infrastructure within emerging and developing economies by addressing...
Despite its intrinsic relevance and policy makers’ efforts to address the infrastructure gap, progress has been limited. A confluence of challenges from macroeconomic shocks and political instability to...
The purpose of this paper is to provide a practical framework to guide governments in catalyzing and scaling up public and private investment in Blue Carbon as part of their blue economy development. It...
The purpose of this paper is to provide a practical framework to guide governments in catalyzing and scaling up public and private investment in Blue Carbon as part of their blue economy development. It...
The development objective of Implementation of the International Comparison Program (ICP) in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Project is to conduct the International Comparison Program (ICP)...
There is unprecedented interest among developing countries to attract private investment into infrastructure and basic services to meet growing national demand. Today, nearly all developing countries have...
Street lighting PPPs help provide better services, improve business and public safety, and increase energy efficiency by up to seventy percent. This IFC sector note provides lessons and examples on scaling...
Building on the success of the past two global workshops on private sector finance, the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and BioCarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes...
Municipal governments and staff are seeking to implement public-private partnerships (PPPs) to help meet their infrastructure development needs. This framework is modular, comprising a guidance note, 20...
There are three stakeholders in a public-private partnership (PPP), (a) the government in office, (b) private firms (financial and non-financial) and investors (individual and institutional), and (c) final...
La SFI a particulièrement aidé les entreprises de deuxième rang et les PME ayant un accès limité aux financements longs, comme l'entreprise brésilienne d'électroménager Mallory Limitada. Elle a approuvé...
This press release announces on November 12, 1996, that the Executive Vice President Jannik Lindbaek declared the promotion of Mr. Assaad Jabre to Vice President, Portfolio Management and Advisory Operations...
This press release announces on November 12, 1996, that a new paper by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) titled "Financing Private Infrastructure" highlights the significant increase in funds...
La Société financière internationale (SFI) a publié une nouvelle étude sur le crédit-bail et les marchés émergents, mettant en lumière ses 20 années d'expérience dans ce domaine. L'étude montre comment...
This press release announces on August 20, 1996, that the agricultural land reform in Ukraine is progressing with the expansion of the Donetsk Model for land privatization and farm reorganization. Initially...
This press release announces on August 6, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) have approved investments of US$2.25 million and US$1.8 million respectively...
This press release announces on July 15, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Government of New Zealand have established a NZ$400,000 (US$275,000 equivalent) Technical Cooperation...
This press release announces on March 5, 1996, that Ukraine is set to advance its agricultural land reform on March 6th, when members of the Lenina collective agricultural enterprise in Donetsk Oblast...
This press release announces on January 31, 1996, that the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Government of Switzerland have signed a new agreement to finance technical assistance activities...
This press release announces on January 30, 1996,that in 1994, private investment in developing countries reached new records as state-generated investment continued to decline, according to the International...