The Guidance Note covers the process of instituting, designing and carrying out a cash transfer program. At the policy level, the sectoral strategic vision is embodied in policy and legislation, backed...
Our report is solely for the purpose of assisting The World Bank Group and, as applicable, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in achieving the following objectives, stated below, in respect of the expenditures...
Launched for the first time 2007, the Global Payment Systems Survey (GPSS) has assisted authorities and policy makers worldwide in making meaningful cross-economy comparisons and assessing progress in...
Ratings for the Payments Automation and Integration of Salaries in Afghanistan were as follows: outcomes were unsatisfactory, the Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and the monitoring and evaluation...
This paper assesses the impact of an information dissemination intervention on the local-level implementation of the rural public works program in India. One key feature of the intervention is to provide...
This report discusses the readout from World Bank Group President David Malpass’s meeting at the Future of Digital Cooperation Event: Building Resilience Through Safe, Trusted, and Inclusive Digital Public...
This report is about to find a dynamic blend of payment methods depending on the policy objectives and capacity.
The global economy is undergoing a rapid digital transformation that is changing many conventional notions about our behavior and preferences. This includes the way in which we, as consumers, as businesses...
The methodology detailed in this Guide includes two components: (1) qualitative analysis and (2) quantitative analysis (Figure 1). There are advantages and disadvantages of these two approaches. For example...
Digital technologies are changing how the world interacts and transacts. From opening bank accounts to parents enrolling their children in school and social safety net programs verifying a new beneficiary...
International Debt Report (IDR), formerly International Debt Statistics (IDS), is a longstanding annual publication of the World Bank featuring external debt statistics and analysis for the 121 low- and...
This report aims to inform a wider audience about the importance of remittances and the specific financial education activities implemented in Kosovo to improve their efficiency. It briefly introduces...