When leaders face political economy constraints, is it best to delay all decarbonization initiatives until a sectorally coordinated strategy can be implemented, or is it preferable to implement an approach...
Ranked voting is an election format in which each voter ranks candidates on a ballot, and individual rankings are aggregated using a general rule to produce a social ranking. This paper proposes a non-cooperative...
Las notas de política de Panamá se elaboraron para ayudar a enmarcar el diálogo inicial entre el Grupo Banco Mundial (GBM) y la nueva administración gubernamental tras las elecciones nacionales de mayo...
What can be learned from the governance trajectory of African countries since the beginning of the 21st century? What is the quality of governance on the African continent and how does it shape development?...
When reform of gender discriminatory law fails, individual action can offer a second-best solution. As most Muslim-majority countries, Tunisia applies Islamic inheritance law, systematically favoring sons...
This study examines which factors influence support for reducing fossil fuel subsidies and what types of information shift people’s views through surveying 37,000 respondents across 12 middle-income countries...
National human rights action plans turn state commitments on human rights into policy. After three decades of numerous countries implementing these plans, the few existing assessments of their success...
Ratings for the Third Export Development Project for Tunisia were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was modest. Some...
This paper studies cartels in public infrastructure procurement and analyzes the conditions under which they succeed in generating rents. It first conceptualizes the interplay of the central actors of...
This review of the World Bank Group’s (WBG) Completion and Learning Review (CLR) covers the period of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for FY15-19, and the updated CPF at the Performance and Learning...
The COVID-19 crisis requires policy reforms on many fronts, from debt sustainability to climate-smart recovery. This Research & Policy brief draws on theory and empirical evidence to explore the opportunities...
Through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the international community has recognized the need for an approach to development that considers the interdependence of human and natural systems. Single-sector...
The Afghanistan Risk and Resilience Assessment (RRA) is intended to provide an analytical input to ongoing World Bank strategic planning processes. The RRA presents an analysis of: i) the causes of fragility...
This note describes how political economy analysis can be used to promote development, focusing specifically on state capture. It is intended to help practitioners within the World Bank execute and disseminate...
This Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) analyzes and synthesizes cross-cutting and sectoral impediments to private sector development in Pakistan. It also proposes a policy reform agenda that will...