Air pollution is taking a heavy toll on both people and economies across the world. Reducing it will require effective, targeted, and integrated policies. This report identifies the main sources of air...
People in many parts of North Macedonia are exposed to more toxic particulate matter air pollution than their neighbors in Western Europe. The burning of solid fuels for heating in homes and other buildings...
Each year, water pollution accounts for 1.8 million deaths and costs businesses an estimated 425 billion dollars. The 2030 Water Resources Group (WRG) supports industries and utilities to use water more...
People in many parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) are exposed to more toxic particulate matter (PM) air pollution than their neighbors in Western Europe. This is especially true for residents in urban...
Plastic pollution is a major challenge in Bangladesh, with annual per capita plastic consumption in urban areas tripling from 2005 to 2020. The increased use of plastics, especially single-use plastics...
The paper advances a framework to take stock of CIT incentives across two interrelated policy objectives: stimulating investment in green sectors and processes; and/or encouraging divestment from dirty...
The objective of this technical note is to inform the governments of Bulgaria, Croatia, Poland, and Romania about ongoing efforts and opportunities to strengthen AQM governance to achieve better air quality...
This paper, a product of the Forum, summarizes actions that can be taken to manage Abandoned, Lost, and Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG) in the context of the three life-cycle stages of fishing...
Waste management is a challenging sector to govern. The sector involves the day-to-day delivery of services that are vital to protecting public health and the environment. Regular and reliable waste management...
Թափոնների կառավարումը պետական կառավարման տեսակետից բարդ ոլորտ է: Ոլորտը ներառում է ծառայությունների ամենօրյա մատուցում, որոնք կենսական նշանակություն ունեն հանրային առողջության և շրջակա միջավայրի պաշտպանության...
Sekitar 27.000 penduduk Indonesia meninggal dikaibatkan oleh keracunan timbal pada 2019. Dimana tidak terdapatrnya peraturan yang meajibkan produk bebas timbal, seperti halnya di Indonesia, maka cat yang...
Rapid economic development has lifted millions out of poverty, but at the same time, it has led to climate change and nature loss. Pollution, land and sea use change, and overextraction of natural resources...
About 27,000 Indonesians died of lead poisoning in 2019. Where mandatory lead-free standards are absent, as is the case in Indonesia, lead paint is among the most common sources of poisoning. Tests for...
For the World Bank Group, clean air in South Asia is a top priority. The 25th issue of the SARRE Newsletter focuses on steps countries are taking for air quality management including an aspirational target...
Building on the World Bank’s Blue Economy approach, which calls for the sustainable and integrated development of economic sectors in a healthy ocean, this report presents lessons learned from expanding...
Plastic pollution is a significant global issue impacting ecosystems, livelihoods, and human health, prompting international efforts to create a legally binding instrument known as the Plastic Treaty...