Economic growth is projected at 3.2 percent in 2024, with robust growth supported by strong consumption from higher wages, fiscal stimulus, and import substitution. Inflation has remained above the central...
Croatia’s economic activity continued to expand in the first half of 2024, mainly driven by strong domestic demand. The medium-term outlook is relatively favorable, as the external environment is expected...
The Bulgarian economy has embarked on a recovery path in early 2024 aligned with the moderate pick-up of activity in the eurozone. The widening gap between real wage and productivity growth and the potential...
The Bulgarian economy has embarked on a recovery path in early 2024 aligned with the moderate pick-up of activity in the eurozone. The widening gap between real wage and productivity growth and the potential...
Botswana aspires to become a high-income economy and eradicate extreme poverty by 2036, but it has shifted from a top to a mid-range performer over the past decade. The public sector-led growth model built...
Este informe final presenta información relevante y un resumen de las actividades realizadas y los resultados obtenidos en el marco del proyecto de servicios de asesoría y análisis del Banco Mundial. Este...
El presente manual describe los principales buzones y módulos a los que tendrán acceso los usuarios de la plataforma de Gobernanza Regulatoria, específicamente para la presentación del Análisis de Impacto...
Este documento brinda, además de algunos antecedentes y justificación, la estructura y actividades necesarias para llevar a cabo el piloto de un programa de desarrollo de proveedores (PDP) y retos de innovación...
El presente manual está diseñado para guiar a los desarrolladores a través de las especificaciones técnicas y metodológicas que rigen el ciclo de vida del software del SGR. Al proporcionar directrices...
Este informe final presenta información relevante y un resumen de las actividades realizadas y los resultados obtenidos en el marco del proyecto de servicios de asesoría y análisis del Banco Mundial. Este...
Este informe final presenta información relevante y un resumen de las actividades realizadas y los resultados obtenidos en el marco del proyecto de servicios de asesoría y análisis del Banco Mundial. Este...
América Latina e Caribe (ALC) continuam a administrar com competência os desafios da baixa demanda global, do aumento da dívida, da incerteza em relação à guerra na Ucrânia e das pressões inflacionistas...
Montenegro’s productivity growth over the past two decades has been disappointing and represents a missed opportunity for the country’s development. Over the last two decades Montenegro was unable to catch...
The development objective of the Second Productive Safety Net Project for Ghana (GPSNP 2’s) is to expand and enhance social safety nets that improve the incomes and productivity of the poor in Ghana. The...
กิจกรรมทางเศรษฐกิจในภูมิภาคเอเชียตะวันออกและแปซิฟิกกําลังพัฒนาส่วนใหญ่ฟื้นตัวจากแรงกระแทกเมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้ โดยมีการส่งออกสินค้าและการบริโภคภาคเอกชนเป็นผู้นํา อย่างไรก็ตาม ผลผลิตยังคงต่ํากว่าระดับก่อนเกิดโรคระบาดในประเทศหมู่เกาะแปซิฟิกหลายแห่ง...
This package of Public Policy Notes is directed to Brazilian policy makers and society to present the World Bank Group’s overview of key challenges facing the country at this juncture, and possible ways...
This power point outlines constraints to productive employment and instruments to address them.
This note aims to help teams implementing interventions to employ firm productivity measures in their projects. It does so by providing guidance on: (a) measuring firm productivity, (b) strengthening theories...
Using newly developed data, the evolution of job and productivity growth in global value chains (GVCs) is analyzed for 25 low- and middle-income countries. GVC jobs are found to be more productive than...