The World Bank’s analytical work has a strong reputation, but its knowledge products are also perceived to be of varying quality and relevance, and the drivers of this heterogeneity are only partially...
Development and legal researchers hypothesize that a moderate law may be more effective than a radical one in changing behavior. This study tests this hypothesis in the context of discriminatory sharing...
The 2023 Annual Report features the KCP’s progress achieved based on the projects completed during the reporting period of July 2022–June 2023. The report includes (i) a summary of progress and achievements...
Ratings for the Development Support for Tanzania Statistics Project for Tanzania were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial...
Research has found that there are inconsistencies and discrepancies in how investors evaluate men-led and This toolkit, developed by Village Capital in partnership with IFC, the Women Entrepreneurs Finance...
Tertiary education systems in South Asia have undergone significant changes in the past two decades, making spectacular progress in expanding and enhancing their tertiary education systems. Each country...
The 2022 Annual Report consists of three main sections that examine the KCP’s past, present, and future. The first section highlights the meaningful impacts that KCP-financed projects have made over the...