Regardless of the individual perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (AI), it can transform the personal and professional lives at an unprecedented pace. It will also impact one of the most regulated and...
Ratings of Disaster Risk Management Development Policy Credit with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option Project for Honduras were as follows: overall outcome was satisfactory, relevance of prior actions...
Established in 2014, the World Bank Tokyo Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Hub was launched in acknowledgement of the learning emerging from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Operating under...
Established in 2014, the World Bank Tokyo Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Hub was launched in acknowledgement of the learning emerging from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Operating under...
Small and medium-sized enterprises, or “SMEs,” play a major role in global economic development. This Guide aims to provide SMEs with a useful framework for developing effective Integrity Compliance Programs...
중소기업은 세계경제 개발에 중요한 역할을 하고 있습니다. 본 지침서는 중소기업이 각자의 사업모델, 예산, 그리고 위험 요소에 맞는 효과적인 청렴준수 프로그램의 개발을 위한 체계를 제공하기 위해 국내외 유수의 기관들이 발표한 모범 사례와 지침을 다루고 있습니다. 세계은행 청렴준수부(World Bank Integrity Compliance Office)는 전 세계의...
This report is the fifth deliverable under the agreement between the National Administration “Romanian Waters” (ANAR) and the World Bank (WB). It provides technical inputs for developing specifications...
The Somalia Multi-Partner Fund (MPF) was recently extended to end of June 2028 with all donors signing Amended Agreements. The risk exposure is increasing in Somalia, with significant implications for...
GFDRR helps communities and countries reduce risk and prepare for, and recover from, disasters by integrating disaster risk management and climate change adaptation into development strategies and programs...
In March 2022 the World Bank Sustainability and Social Inclusion (SSI) team carried out a case study of the social impacts of climate change in four high-risk municipalities in the Philippines: Guiuan...
The deck aims to provide a comprehensive framework for various stakeholders, including policymakers, regulators, supervisors, funders, consumer organizations, and DFS providers on the evolution of the...
The World Bank’s Caribbean Disaster Risk Financing Technical Assistance (DRFTA) team hosted a virtual workshop and dialogue on Risk-Based Asset Management Systems (RB-AMS) from August 3 to 4, 2021. Asset...
This Project Paper seeks to provide Additional Financing (AF) in the amount of US$15 million to the Nicaragua Eta and Iota Emergency Response Project (P175878) and a project restructuring to extend the...
The development objective of Additional Financing to the Second Central America and Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Project for Latin America is to improve the affordability of high-quality sovereign...
As the world approaches the third anniversary of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, the devastating health, economic, and societal impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic remain on every continent. COVID-19 underscored...
This report presents a selection of projects from the Crisis Risk Finance Analytics program (CRFA), as part of the World Bank Crisis and Disaster Risk Finance work to apply innovative technology for risk...
Governments increasingly use risk-based regulation (RBR) to adapt their degree of regulatory control to the actual risks posed by industry sectors, economic activities, and business establishments. Risk-based...
Risk-based approaches including projects to introduce risk-based capital (RBC) have been identified as an imperative to enhance insurance market development. To develop, markets need to change. Innovation...