Evidence of public expenditure on infrastructure is extremely sparse. Little is known about the trends and patterns of infrastructure expenditure, and there is no real basis for assessing the adequacy...
The National Roads and Airport Infrastructure Project of Bolivia’s objectives are to: (i) ensure the year-round transit ability of the San Buenaventura - Ixiamas corridor; and (ii) improve the regularity...
The National Roads and Airport Infrastructure Project of Bolivia’s objectives are to: (i) ensure the year-round transit ability of the San Buenaventura - Ixiamas corridor; and (ii) improve the regularity...
The National Roads and Airport Infrastructure Project of Bolivia’s objectives are to: (i) ensure the year-round transit ability of the San Buenaventura - Ixiamas corridor; and (ii) improve the regularity...
The High Priority Roads Reopening and Maintenance Project of the Democratic Republic of Congo has as its development objective to re-establish lasting access between provincial capitals and districts and...
The objective of the High Priority Reopening and Maintenance Project of the Democratic Republic of Congo is to re-establish lasting access between provincial capitals and districts and territories in three...
This Modernization of Road Transport Corridors Project of Tunisia recommends the development of a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), which identifies, describes and defines in detail the process of resettling...
The Project Development Objective (PDO) of Santa Cruz Road Corridor Connector Project of Bolivia is to improve transport accessibility along the road corridor between San Ignacio de Velasco and San Jose...
The development objective of the Second Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project for India is to accelerate the development of the core road network through leveraging public sector outlays with private...