Ratings of Family Support Project for Sudan were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial. Some...
Since it became the first new sovereign state of the 21st century on May 20, 2002, the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste has demonstrated commendable leadership in rebuilding the country’s...
Ratings for the Service Delivery and Support to Communities Affected by Displacement Project for Central African Republic (CAR) were as follows: outcome and Bank performance were highly satisfactory, and...
Ratings of Strengthening Systems for Social Protection and Civil Registration Project for Nepal were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
The development objective of Social Safety Net Project for Ecuador is to improve the equity, integration, and sustainability of selected social safety net programs, and in case of an eligible crisis or...
Global peace has significantly declined over the past 15 years, with the 2023 Global Peace Index highlighting a notable erosion of peace since 2008, affecting 95 out of 163 countries. The impacts of conflict...
The development objectives of Public Expenditures for Administrative Capacity Endurance in Ukraine Project is to contribute to sustaining the government administrative and service delivery capacity to...
Ratings for the Health and Nutrition Services Access Project for Lao Peoples Democratic Republic were as follows: outcomes were satisfactory, the Bank performance was satisfactory, and the monitoring and...
This background note documents trends and the current situation on poverty and inequality in El Salvador. We examine the current trends in poverty and inequality in El Salvador, comparing them with other...
Ces dernières années, les conflits violents se sont multipliés de manière très significative, touchant en particulier les pays à faible revenu et façonnant un paysage de fragilité de plus en plus complexe...
Stigma powerfully and adversely affects individuals, families, communities, and society, and exists across all countries and cultures. A recent global survey of people with mental health conditions across...
Poland has been central to Europe’s growth performance over the last three decades, it now has an opportunity to engage in the structural reforms ensuring its continued success in a more challenging global...
Ratings of the Safety Net Project for Senegal were as follows: the outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and the quality of monitoring and evaluation was substantial. Some of the...
A lo largo de su historia, el Perú ha acogido a personas de diversas nacionalidades, entre las que destacan las provenientes de China, Japón, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia y, más recientemente, Venezuela...
The development objective of Primary Education Emergency Support Project is to support reopened schools in target states and learning continuity in the Republic of the Sudan. This project has three components...
The Sahel Day, held on June 16, 2023, in Berlin as a follow-up to the Global Forum on Adaptive Social Protection, brought together country representatives from Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger...
The objectives of the Adaptive and Productive Safety Nets Project for Chad are to increase access to social safety nets for poor and vulnerable populations, including refugees and host communities, and...