Ratings of Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project for Côte d’Ivoire were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial...
The development objective of Sanitation and Water Project for the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) for Ghana is to increase access to improved sanitation and water supply in the GAMA, with emphasis...
The development objective of Scaling-up Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project for Lao People’s Democratic Republic aims to provide access to improved water supply, sanitation and hygiene services...
Until recently, Nairobi’s informal settlement residents did not have access to household-level piped water and sanitation services. That began to change when, with World Bank support, the Nairobi Water...
The objective of the Coastal Cities Sustainable Environment Project for Vietnam is to sustain the efficiency of environment investment and strengthen the utility reform agenda concerning sanitation sector...
The objective of the GAMA Sanitation and Water Project will be to increase access to safe water and improved sanitation to people in the GAMA, with emphasis on the poor, and to improve operation and management...
The objective of the GAMA Sanitation and Water Project will be to increase access to safe water and improved sanitation to people in the GAMA, with emphasis on the poor, and to improve operation and management...
Small towns in low- and middle-income countries are growing rapidly and struggling to meet the increased demands of wastewater collection and treatment. To avert public health crises and continued environmental...
The development objective of Water and Sanitation Development Project for Kenya is to remove screenings and grit from the purely storm water conveyance system before discharge into the Indian Ocean. Some...
This synthesis report is part of the assignment ‘Identification and Evaluation of Market-Based Models and Public-Private Partnership Options for Non-Sewered Sanitation Services in Selected Cities and Towns...
Este estudio, que fue promovido por la Iniciativa Economía del Saneamiento (ESI, por sus siglas en inglés), encabezada por el Programa de Agua y Saneamiento del Banco Mundial; analiza los impactos económicos...