A critical ingredient for well-functioning schools that promote student learning is the quality of school management—that is, the actions taken by the school management team to administer and coordinate...
This publication provides an overview of off-site construction as part of the broader family of modern methods of construction, its advantages and shortcomings, and its application in the construction...
Iraq has been a field of wars and political unrest for decades, which have affected all aspects of life for Iraqi people, including Education. This negative impact on the population has been compounded...
Iraq has been a field of wars and political unrest for decades, which have affected all aspects of life for Iraqi people, including education. This negative impact on the population has been compounded...
Iraq is moving past a time of unrest and muted economic expansion. Millions of Iraqi people have been internally displaced as a result of decades of wars and conflicts, which has also negatively impacted...
Learning Poverty shows the extent of the learning crisis by focusing on the share of children who don’t learn to read with comprehension by age 10. Children who are Learning Poor are not able to reach...
Iraq is prone to natural disasters, including increased climate-related hazards like flooding and geohazards such as earthquakes, which have significantly deteriorated its education infrastructure. To...
Iraq is prone to natural disasters, including increased climate-related hazards like flooding and geohazards such as earthquakes, which have significantly deteriorated its education infrastructure. Exacerbated...
School building projects in Iraq have been and continue to suffer from a significant shortfall in numbers in comparison to an increase in the numbers of students and the inequitable distribution according...
The potential benefits from supporting early childhood development range from healthy development to a greater capacity to learn and increased productivity in adulthood. Despite undertaking various preschool...
The private school sector has expanded with almost no public intervention to educate half of primary school children in many urban centers in Africa and Asia. Simple comparisons of test scores would suggest...
The development objective of No Bangsamoro Child Left Behind in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao Project for Philippines is to improve learning outcomes of re-enrolled out-of-school-children...
Limited access to services and opportunities is systematically linked to poorer development outcomes. In Pakistan, 22.8 million children between the ages of 5 and 16, about forty-four percent do not attend...
The primary and secondary education system in Kazakhstan has accomplished significant achievements. Kazakhstan has embarked on profound reforms to improve the quality of the education system and is increasingly...
This press release announces that the World Bank has approved a loan to the Federal Republic of Nigeria for the equivalent of seventeen million three hundred thousand US dollars on March 30, 1972. This...
This press release announces on September 14, 1971, that less than half the children in the developing countries are receiving schooling despite all the eduational progress of the past two decades, an...