Young adults seeking to enter the labor market often confront a skills mismatch with firms reporting difficulty finding new entrants with appropriate levels of soft skills. This paper reports findings...
Youth who are neither in school, nor employed, nor in training (NEET), remain a sizeable and vulnerable group in Latin America and Caribbean (LAC), especially among female youth. There is a long-term effect...
En América Latina y el Caribe, la transición de la escuela al trabajo es más difícil para las mujeres que para los hombres debido a las normas sociales. Una mujer tiene menos probabilidades de obtener...
The objective of the Facilitating School to Work Transition Project is to support the Central Board of Secondary Education to develop and provide relevant vocational skills across identified schools in...
Worldwide, some 57 million primary school age children don't have the chance to go to school. Many factors hold these children back: poverty, poor health and overcrowded or faraway facilities. The problem...
How can we help kids reach their full potential? Experts know that the first years of life are crucial to healthy development. And that's just the start. Children need regular mental and physical stimulation...
This press release announces that the World Bank and the Commonwealth Secretariat launched a regional contest to identify, recognize and promote initiatives that have demonstrated success in engaging youth-at-risk...
This paper develops a model of investment in education and school-to work transition under uncertainty. The main predictions of the model are tested for Brazilian households using Pesquisa Nacional por...
While youth issues are subject of growing attention in the Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) region, data for indicators relating specifically to youth employment remain scarce in most SSA countries. There is therefore...
This study, Youth in the Northern Caucasus: from risk to empowerment, examines the socioeconomic situation of young people in the North Caucasus and the Russian Federation as a whole. The North Caucasus...
This press release announces on November 15, 1973, that a World Bank loan of twenty-four million US dollars will assist the government of Peru in implementing its education reform, aimed at shifting emphasis...