In many regions of the world, the persistent, and growing, proportion of young people who are currently not in employment, education, or training is of global concern. This is no less true of Morocco:...
The Russian Federation offers the unique example of a leading centrally planned economy swiftly transforming itself into a market-oriented economy. This paper offers a comprehensive study of inequality...
This paper argues that inequality can be both good and bad for growth, depending on what inequality and whose growth. Unequal societies may be holding back one segment of the population while helping another...
This paper complements the results of earlier work on factor misallocation. The paper first expands the methodology and provides two important decompositions for the main indices. The main result is that...
The Local Infrastructure Development Project for Gabon has two main objectives: 1) increasing access of the population living in low-income settlements to basic services; and 2) increasing access of small-...
Movements in and out of poverty are of core interest to both policymakers and economists. Yet the panel data needed to analyze such movements are rare. In this paper, the authors build on the methodology...
There are striking, persistent regional inequalities in developing countries like China and India. The author use district-level data on Indian factories to investigate if these disparities are related...
The 1990s have seen renewed interest in themes of economic growth and development. This is a welcome change after a decade and a half during which macroeconomics was dominated by a concern with short-term...
The author estimates savings and investment correlations for 58 developing countries to assess the capital mobility (in the Feldstein-Horioka sense) in these countries. Using a new estimation technique...
Sovereign debt: a primer. Modeling the macroeconomic effects of AIDS, with an application to Tanzania. A medium-term framework for analyzing the real exchange rate, with applications to the Philippines...
The emergence and recent rapid growth of rural nonagricultural enterprises (township, village and private enterprises - TVPs) in China is a striking and in many ways unique phenomenon. Almost overnight...
The last decade has seen a tremendous growth of rural industrial and other nonagricultural activities in China, accompanied by large increases in rural personal incomes and major shifts in the structure...
This analysis considers changing patterns of population mobility in terms of shifts in productive structure and social relations of production. It is based on the premise that migration analysis cannot...
Geographical dispersal of economic activities is seen as a desirable and feasible objective that would enhance income distribution. The desirability of economic dispersal is argued on the grounds of efficiency...