The Functional Review of the Romanian Justice Sector (JFR), conducted through a World Bank Reimbursable Advisory Services (RAS) agreement, represented a significant effort by the Government of Romania...
The aim of this paper is twofold. Firstly, the authors analyze the geographical dimension of refugee camps in Africa by shedding light on the heterogeneous location patterns of hosting camps across countries...
This Environmental and Social Systems Assessment (ESSA) has been undertaken by the World Bank team within the context of the preparation of the Nigeria States Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability...
During the late 1980s and the 1990s, most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa implemented agricultural policy reforms, along with national political and economic reforms. The agricultural reforms focused on...
The World Bank currently lacks a formal conflict resolution mechanism (CRM). As a result, when conflicts arise in the context of Bank-supported projects, interventions by Bank staff tend to be ad hoc and...
In the past one decade or so, Indonesia has been undergoing at least two major transformations to improve the quality of governance and development in the country. First, decentralization aims at putting...
Development economics in its early years created the image of a fierce fight between advocates of contrasting theories or approaches- "balanced growth" vs. "unbalanced growth" or "program loans" vs. "project...
Loening investigates the impact of human capital on economic growth in Guatemala during 1951-2002 using an error-correction methodology. The results show a better-educated labor force having a positive...
This Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) is being prepared at a difficult and uncertain time for Bolivia. There has been an escalating trend of social unrest-with serious conflicts in April 2000, September/October...