This paper provides one of the first comprehensive and most updated studies on the effects of firms’ organizational resources, country institutions, and national culture on the survival and growth of private...
This paper studies the impact of financial structures on the dynamics of the export sector using rich data from over 60 countries. The results reveal that bank-oriented financial systems boost the size...
Using a unique data set on the Czech Republic for 1994-2003, this article examines the relationship between a firm's liquidity constraints and its supply linkages with multinational corporations (MNCs)...
According to the national accounts of Iran, during the period of 1988-2003 the annual change in inventories in this economy was highly variable and averaged 7.3 percent of GDP if calculated at current...
The paper analyzes governments' tradeoff between fiscal benefits and consumer surplus in privatization reforms of noncompetitive industries in developing countries. Under privatization, the control rights...
The author analyzes decentralization reforms in the education sector in Latin America (their status, impact, and ongoing challenges) by making use of the accountability framework developed by the World...
The objective of this study is to support the farm privatization and restructuring process in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) by presenting a wide range of strategic and tactical options that...
The author uses panel data on 394 firms in 13 developing countries for the years 1988-98 to learn whether financial liberalization relaxes financing constraints on firms. He finds that liberalization affects...
The authors use firm level data on Bulgaria to investigate the impact of liquidity constraints on firms' investment performance. Internal funds are a important determinant of investment in most industrial...
Subnational governments are assuming greater fiscal responsibility in many developing and transition countries. There is concern, however, that fiscal decentralization may weaken fiscal discipline -that...
The authors explain why in the Former Soviet Union (FSU) - especially Russia - unemployment has remained low and employment in state and privatized firms has remained high, while at the same time the informal...
The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework that allows a rigorous and comprehensive analysis of the industrial restructuring problem. The paper utilizes this conceptual framework to...
The concept of the soft budget constraint has been quoted as appearing "when the strict relationship between expenditures and earnings has been relaxed, because excess expenditure over earnings will be...