Indonesia perlu meningkatkan penerimaan pajak secara signifikan untuk berinvestasi pada sumber daya manusia dan fisik guna mencapai ambisi menjadi negara berpendapatan tinggi. Stok sumber daya publik milik...
Tax and benefit microsimulation tools are increasingly used as an input to public policy design for governments around the world. This is part of a broader movement towards evidence-based public policy...
The analysis of the cost and benefits of tax incentives introduced by the Investment Code is indeed complex and data-intensive. The natural dynamics of the economy and business sector make identifying...
Tax revenue collection is essential to the state’s ability to address market failures, provide goods and services such as health and education, invest in infrastructure, stabilize the economy in response...
The development objective of the Accelerating Resource Mobilization Reforms (ARMOR) Program for Results for Nigeria is to raise non-oil revenues and safeguard oil and gas revenues. The government’s ARMOR...
This study estimates the distributional effects of increasing taxes on tobacco, alcohol, and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB). It uses the latest Brazilian Consumer Expenditure Survey (Pesquisa de Orçamento...