Urbanization in Afghanistan has been rapid over the last two decades and presents several challenges. Afghan cities underwent a severe shock in the wake of the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan...
Amid continuing urban growth and the accelerating effects of climate change, East Asian cities suffer from more extreme temperatures than surrounding rural areas - being up to 2 degrees Celsius hotter...
This note provides information to Executive Directors of the World Bank Board on the extension of the end-disbursement date of the State and Peacebuilding Multi-donor Trust Fund (SPF) from September 30...
Violent crime has emerged as a growing development challenge, affecting large segments of societies, and taking a severe toll on economic development. In many high crime environments, weak institutions...
This report includes four main sections. The first section provides an analytical overview of urban fragility, and in particular, urban crime and violence in the Africa Region. The second section covers...
This country report and the data presented herein are a product of the piloting of the RES-360 tool in Honduras. First, national level data was collected from government strategic plans, focus groups with...
The Barrio Ciudad Project objective is to improve the quality of life for the urban poor in Honduras and to enable their municipal governments to continue and sustain such improvements through capacity...
This study aims to understand how urban residents cope with violence, or the threat of it, in their everyday lives, to inform the design of policies and programs for violence prevention. The study is the...
The development objective of Employment Generation in Poor Urban Neighborhoods Project is to mitigate the impact that the global economic crisis has had on families in six of the poorest and most vulnerable...
This news release, dated July 7, 2005, announces the World Bank approved four zero-interest credits for a total of 97 million dollars in support of Honduras’ comprehensive poverty reduction strategy.
Cities and political change. Hawker politics in Nairobi. Marketplace politics in Kampala and Quito. The municipality: Columbia's new scene of political activity Is urban politics unique? Redefining politics...
Karachi and the global nature of urban violence. Dakar: youth groups and the slide toward violence. Drug markets and urban violence in Rio de Janeiro: a call for action. Domestic violence and its economic...