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  • Mapping Returns of Private Equity Investments in Emerging Markets (anglais)

    This paper fills a gap in research on private equity investments in emerging markets and developing economies. It provides descriptive evidence and examines the distribution of returns across sectors such...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS11025 Date du document: 8 janvier 2025 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Florian Moelders,Edgar Salgado Chavez

  • Disruptive Technologies and Finance : An Analysis of Digital Startups in Africa (anglais)

    This paper investigates the relationship between disruptive technologies and access to finance for digital tech firms in Africa. Through textual analysis of data from Crunchbase and Pitchbook, the study...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS10633 Date du document: 7 décembre 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Vargas Da Cruz,Marcio Jose,Pereira Lopez,Mariana De La Paz,Salgado Chavez,Edgar

  • Venture Capital in Latin America and the Caribbean (anglais)

    Until the last decade, venture capital (VC) was perceived as a side game in capital markets across the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. Only a few companies were able to succeed, and valuations...

    Type de document: Rapport Numéro du rapport: 182491 Date du document: 2 juin 2023 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Rudolph,Heinz P.,Miguel Liriano,Faruk,Gonzalez Uribe,Juanita

  • Right to Be Heard : Intimidation and Reprisals in World Bank Inspection Panel (anglais)

    The World Bank Inspection Panel is committed to preventing intimidation or reprisals of any kind against anyone who submits or supports a complaint presented to it. The Panel believes that any form of...

    Type de document: Document de travail Numéro du rapport: 181698 Date du document: 1 décembre 2021 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: World Bank

  • Argentina - Unleashing Productive Innovation Project (anglais)

    The overall outcome of the Unleashing Productive Innovation Project for Argentina is moderately satisfactory, with satisfactory Bank performance and substantial monitoring and evaluation quality. The Project...

    Type de document: Bilan de fin d’exécution et de résultats Numéro du rapport: ICR5168 Date du document: 1 mars 2020 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur:

  • Ghana Private Equity and Venture Capital Ecosystem Study (anglais)

    This paper discusses the landscape for private equity and venture capital financing in Ghana. It provides an overview of the private equity and venture capital market in the country, describing key players...

    Type de document: Document de travail de recherche sur les politiques Numéro du rapport: WPS8617 Date du document: 18 octobre 2018 Mode de publication: Disclosed Auteur: Divakaran,Shanthi,Schneider,Sam,Mcginnis,Patrick J.