This report identifies circular economy (CE) opportunities in the tourism sector in Cabo Verde, The Gambia, and Säo Tomé & Principe. The project aims to enhance circularity by advocating for policy changes...
Концепция экономики замкнутого цикла (ЭЗЦ) привлекает все большее внимание во всем мире как способ содействия устойчивому развитию и сокращения потребления ресурсов. ЭЗЦ – это экономическая система, направленная...
Waste management is a challenging sector to govern. The sector involves the day-to-day delivery of services that are vital to protecting public health and the environment. Regular and reliable waste management...
This report presents an analysis of Yerevan's waste management system. It investigates the quantities of municipal waste generated and makes a projection what would be the waste generation in the next...
NEPRA Resource Management Private Limited (NEPRA) is a large Indian waste management and recycling company. This case study focuses on NEPRA’s initiatives to support waste pickers in its supply chain...
Corporate priorities, government policies, and public demand are driving companies across the world to improve their environmental and social footprint. In South Africa, the Petco Producer Responsibility...
Over the past decade, material efficiency and resource productivity have surfaced on the global policy agenda. The rise of the circular economy (CE) agenda reflects the objective of moving away from the...
The objectives of the Emergency Debris Management Project for Sint Maarten are to manage debris from the hurricane and reconstruction activities to facilitate recovery and reduce risks, improve solid waste...
Across the world, in low-income countries as well as wealthy ones, decision-makers in government and industry, as well researchers, environmental organizations, and citizens’ groups have been working to...
The development objectives of the Sanitation Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Support Project for Tunisia are to: (a) increase access to and improve the quality of wastewater management services in selected...
The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (the Lao PDR) economy has been growing fast in recent decades. Between 1990 and 2019 gross domestic product (GDP) increased by an average annual rate of 6.8 percent...
Pacific countries face unique and significant obstacles in developing and implementing sustainable waste management solutions to combat litter in terrestrial and marine environments. Organic waste, waste...
Russia generates 4 to 5 billion tons of waste annually, most of which is industrial waste. The intensity of its generation is much higher than in Europe: the manufacturing industry delivers five times...
This press release announces that the World Bank will help finance a project for the improvement of water supply and wastewater systems in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, with six million US dollars loan approved...