Acest raport, cel de-al doilea livrabil specificat în Acordul de Servicii de Asistență Tehnică Rambursabile (SATR) semnat între Administrația Națională "Apele Române" (ANAR) și Banca Mondială (BM) are...
With a track record of over a decade, the 2030 Water Resources Group (2030 WRG) has established itself as a positive disrupter and a collaborative platform to promote water security. 2030 WRG continues...
The development objectives of the Sanitation Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Support Project for Tunisia are to: (a) increase access to and improve the quality of wastewater management services in selected...
The sustainable development goal for water and sanitation - to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all is a lofty one. Worldwide, 2.4 billion people remain without...
Mongolia is a water scarce country; and economic development, resulting in geographic concentration of population in cities, has highlighted the urgency for improved water resource management. In response...
Development Objectives of the Plan Pazcifico: Water Supply and Basic Sanitation Infrastructure of Colombia are (i) to improve coverage and service quality of water supply and basic sanitation in urban...
This press release announces that the World Bank has declared two loans totaling ninety million US dollars for water supply projects in Colombia on May 27, 1971. The loan aims to help finance the second...