Tariffs are essential but not the only pathway to cost recovery, addressing affordability, and managing water conservation. To maximize their potential, they must be well designed, complemented by appropriate...
The authors use original water user group (WUG) data from a reservoir irrigation system in China to examine the effect of water pricing policies on farmers’ water saving behaviors. The introduction of...
The paper analyses different existing and possible future agricultural land investment scenarios in the ON and shows how a volumetric water pricing system lead to a relatively more efficient valuation...
The Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project of Nicaragua aims to: (a) to increase the access to sustainable WSS services in selected poor rural areas of Nicaragua through the consolidation...
This article examines the effect of water pricing policies on farmers’ water saving behaviors, using original water user group (WUG) data from a reservoir irrigation system in China. The introduction of...
This note is a partial response to the above mentioned 2010 Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluation. It covers the specific issues to be addressed in the Water supply and Sanitation (WSS) sector...