The Gulf Economic Update (GEU) is the product of the Economic Policy unit for Middle East and North Africa at the World Bank Group. It provides an update on key economic developments and policies in the...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is facing an acute lack of water for life and livelihoods. Despite significant infrastructure investments over the past decades, countries in the region are...
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is facing an acute lack of water for life and livelihoods. Despite significant infrastructure investments over the past decades, countries in the region are...
Migration shapes the lives of those who move and transforms the geographies and economies of their points of departure and destinations alike. The water sector, and the availability of water itself, implicitly...
The fall 2021 issue of the Iraq Economic Monitor provides an in-depth review of the latest macroeconomic and policy developments amidst a global recovery in international oil markets and as COVID-19 restrictions...
This Policy Note is the fourth in a series of six notes drawn from the Groundswell reports. It provides an overview of results and their implications for the Middle East and North Africa, one of the six...
The environmental and climate vulnerability leads to poor macroeconomic performance of Somalia. Water scarcity or, more broadly, water security challenges put at risk the country's growth prospects or...
In recent years, Myanmar’s yield level remained low relative to other countries in region. The yield gap with other countries in region may be attributable to technological changes. Profitability of rice...
Lingyuan City in Liaoning Province, China, is a county level city with a population of around six hundred fifty thousand people who have been facing acute water scarcity. The Daling River, which flows...
Agriculture is an important sector for the economies of Central Asia. Nearly sixty percent of the population of the region resides in rural areas and are dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods...
Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) worked with the World Bank financed PROIRRI Sustainable Irrigation Development project team to tackle the water scarcity challenges in Mozambique by promoting sustainable...
Innovations in water management and irrigated agriculture powered water-scarce Middle Eastern economies for millennia. However, as water becomes scarcer because of population growth and economic development...
Innovations in water management and irrigated agriculture powered water-scarce Middle Eastern economies for millennia. However, as water becomes scarcer because of population growth and economic development...
In policy and investment decisions, the consideration of all benefits and costs related to water provides the foundation for sustainable water management and long-term socio-economic development. The absence...
Morocco is expected to be faced with a major water shortfall prompted by either expansion in demand for water or reduction in precipitation induced by climate change. This paper examines the economywide...