This paper examines the potential for bringing together cash transfer and parenting programs focused on child stimulation to boost child development, particularly for children ages 0-3 years. The paper...
The brief examines the existing evidence and the potential for bringing together cash transfer programs and parenting interventions on early child stimulation to improve child development outcomes, notably...
This paper looks at the effect of post-school training on employment and wage opportunities of urban women. Attendance in post-school training programs is extensive. The more schooling a women has, the...
This report presents the first evaluation of the outcomes of the Peruvian training sector since its outset in the 1960s. The paper examines the private returns to post-school training among male (wage...
This paper is the first of a series that assesses the impact of education on labor market outcomes in Peru using data from the Peruvian Living Standards Survey that was conducted between June 1985 and...
This study uses data from the 1980 Brazilian Census to analyze the determinants of school participation, grade attainment and literacy among 24,000 children aged 7-14. Regional and household resources...
A major debate in the economics of education is the extent to which observed earnings differentials between more and less educated workers reflect differences in productivity. This study focuses on the...
The most commonly used indicator of human resource development is the enrollment ratio for different levels of schooling. The paper argues that a more accurate indicator in this respect, although more...
Policy-makers and analysts typically use differences between the school enrolment ratios of different countries or regions to justify educational investment. The authors argue that although the enrolment...