There is a debate among policy analysts about whether fuel taxes alone are the most effective policy to reduce fuel use by motorists, or whether to also use mandatory standards for fuel efficiency. A problem...
According to a theoretical model, school autonomy and parental participation in schools, can increase student learning through separate channels. Greater school autonomy increases the rent that can be...
Struck by the fact that economists did not have a plausible model for why emissions standards, and mandated technologies, play a dominant role in pollution control, the author sought answers to two questions:...
Assume that a public program -- whether in the form of public expenditures or regulation of private activities -- provides not only a public good to consumers but also a collective input (say, a less polluted...
The author brings together two of government's primary challenges: environmental protection, and taxation to generate revenues. If negative externalities can be reduced not only by changes in consumption...
In this theoretical analysis, the "principal" can be the head of the tax collection agency (or "government" or even citizens), the "supervisor" can be the tax collector, and the "agent" can be the taxpayer...
Can a supply-driven network of under-skilled rural health promoters make a difference in rural health care? There are few, if any, signs that the current rural health strategy in El Salvador is working...
The authors estimate dose-response functions for respiratory disease among children based on data from public clinics in Santiago. They find that respiratory disease among Santiago s children is significantly...
Rationing can backfire: the "day without a car" in Mexico City. Prices and protocols in public health care. Formal and informal regulation of industrial pollution: comparative evidence from Indonesia and...
A ban restricting each car from driving on a specified weekday is found to have increased total driving in Mexico City. Because of the ban, cars effectively represent 'driving permits' and some households...
Solving environmental problems, in both developing and industrial countries, appears to be more challenging than merely applying a fee on polluters. The purpose of this book is to show that indirect instruments...
In November 1989, Mexico City's administration imposed a regulation banning each car from driving on a specific day of the week. The regulation has been both popular and controversial. Some feel that it...
Heavy outdoor pollution is found in developing country cities such as Jakarta, Katowice, Mexico City, and Santiago. But most epidemiological studies of dose-response relationships between particulate air...
How would travel demand in Sao Paulo respond to demand management instruments? Could higher gasoline prices or lower metro fares (or changes in travel time) help reduce congestion or pollution? The authors...
Capital mobility in developing countries: some measurement issues and empirical estimates. The political economy of growth: a critical survey of the recent literature. A presumptive Pigovian tax: complementing...
If regulations are used to make cars and fuels cleaner, should gasoline taxes be used to manage demand for trips that pollute? Anaysis of a well-composed program for Mexico City indicates that the emission...
Charging for social marginal costs is efficient regardless of price elasticities, but the importance of getting prices "right" is greater the more manageable, or elastic, the demand. In efficient pollution...
Without continuous monitoring of emissions, a pollution control agency needs to evaluate abatement options itself. Apart from making activities cleaner, it should also stimulate reductions in the level...
What are appropriate strategies for protecting the environment in developing countries that also seek to promote growth and reduce poverty? This article reviews the literature on cost-effective intervention...
Dumping and antidumping: the rhetoric and the reality of protection in industrial countries. Policy instruments for pollution control in developing countries. A survey of the costs of world sugar policies...