The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020 caused a severe disruption to the global education sector, shuttering schools, and other education institutions for long periods of time. While the authors...
Pakistan can realize major economic growth and development by investing in its people and their human capital. But the reality is that Pakistan’s human capital is low and has improved only marginally over...
Pakistan faces a human capital crisis. Its population, three-quarters of which is under the age of 35, has very recent memories of failures in the schooling system and in health services. Federal and provincial...
Pakistan can realize major economic growth and development by investing in its people and their human capital. But the reality is that Pakistan’s human capital is low and has improved only marginally over...
As schools reopened after 18 months, are adolescent girls and boys back in school and engaged with learning? Evidence from four surveys in Punjab, Pakistan.
This note explores findings on the changing household dynamics in response to the mandated Coronavirus (COVID-19) school closures in Punjab, Pakistan. The SMS girl impact evaluation and a complementing...
The July 2021 release of learning poverty estimates involves several changes to the data underlying the country-level learning poverty figures. This document provides details of the key changes made. Some...
This brief presents initial findings from an ongoing phone survey of families in Punjab, Pakistan designed to assess what is happening to girls’ elementary school education during COVID-19. The data used...
This paper presents simulations of the potential effect of COVID-19-related school closures on schooling and learning outcomes. It considers four scenarios—varying in both the duration of school closures...
Pakistan was among the first countries in the world to institute widespread school closures as a result of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). What are the expected levels of learning that teachers will have...
School closures due to COVID-19 have left more than a billion students out of school. This paper presents the results of simulations considering three, five and seven months of school closure and different...
In 2018, the World Bank released World Development Report which showed that the world is facing a ‘Learning Crisis’. Following up from that report, the Bank has launched the Human Capital Project to mobilize...