The world is urbanizing, with internal migration historically an important driver. Internal migration is also widely feared as source of urban underdevelopment. In addressing Africa’s employment challenge...
It is now widely accepted that the future is urban. Over 55 percent of the world’s population lived in urban areas in 2018; by 2050, this proportion will grow to two-thirds. The United Nations calls urbanization...
This study seeks to identify the factors that hinder Greater Monrovia to achieve higher productivity of its workers and welfare for its citizens. It will do so by combining specifically gathered spatial...
The work summarized in this report fills a knowledge gap by contributing to an improved understanding of the links between competitiveness and pollution. Specifically, it argues that pollution need not...
The Turkish lira (TL) has depreciated to an extent not seen since the 2001 crisis, reaching its lowest level in September 2018 (TL 6.37/US 1.00 dollar), losing 66 percent of its value against the US dollar...
As the World Bank’s 2012 Golden Growth report emphasized, the European Union, since its founding, has been a ‘convergence machine,’ generating wealth and a higher quality of life for the poorest in the...
As the World Bank’s 2012 Golden Growth report emphasized, the European Union, since its founding, has been a ‘convergence machine,’ generating wealth and a higher quality of life for the poorest in the...