The Global Compact on Refugees recognizes the importance of responsibility sharing for hosting, protecting, and assisting refugees, while emphasizing the potential of economic participation to reduce the...
Global poverty is increasingly becoming concentrated in conflict-affected settings. Therefore, assessing the welfare of those people displaced by conflict is of growing policy importance. Collecting and...
When host countries allow refugees to earn income, two main groups benefit: refugees, who become financially autonomous, and international institutions that can reduce the humanitarian aid that would otherwise...
This paper uses a “mystery client” approach and visits the websites of national statistical offices and international microdata libraries to assess whether foundational microdata sets for countries in...
Severely impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020, Djibouti’s economic activity has shown signs of recovery in 2021.This first edition of the Djibouti Economic Monitor (DEM) launches a program...
COVID-19 is one of multiple crises to have hit the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in the decade following the Arab Spring. War, oil price declines, economic slowdowns and now a pandemic are...
Informal jobs are often bad jobs, unproductive, poorly paid, risky, and unprotected. Informal firms perform poorly than their formal counterparts in terms of firm productivity, growth, and job creation...
High Frequency Mobile Phone Surveys of Households to Assess the Impacts of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is a series that is an overview of a global initiative by the World Bank. The global initiative is to...
The world is becoming less safe and peaceful. According to the 2018 Global Peace Index prepared by the Institute for Economics and Peace, 42 countries experienced an increase in the intensity of internal...
We evaluated the Londo public works program, which provided temporary employment and a bicycle to beneficiaries selected through public lotteries in the Central African Republic. The evaluation focused...
Le projet Londö d’argent contre travail fournit un emploi temporaire et une bicyclette aux gagnants de loteries à grande échelle organisées dans toute la République centrafricaine (RCA). L’évaluation se...
Good education changes lives. It is therefore unsurprising that improved schooling plays a central part in most development strategies. At the same time, the expansion of school attainment alone is not...
Every year, the World Bank spends millions of dollars on development projects in its member countries. But do these investments reach the poor? This note presents a spatial approach to examine the poverty...
Putting a project into practice is challenging and at times a disconnect exists between what is aspired to in project documents and what happens on the ground. To help project managers ensure that projects...
A deteriorating security and humanitarian situation is dimming hopes for a robust economic recovery in the Central African Republic (CAR). The government continued to implement its fiscal consolidation...
This paper uses a unique data set to analyze the migration dynamics of refugees, returnees, and internally displaced people during the Northern Mali conflict. Individuals were interviewed monthly using...
This paper uses a unique data set to analyze the migration dynamics of refugees, returnees, and internally displaced people during the northern Mali conflict. Individuals were interviewed monthly using...