Agricultural development cannot be considered in isolation. It is more dependent on macroeconomic and other economy-wide policies than on specific intervention in the agricultural sector. Poverty in rural...
Economic development is a complex process in which both the private and public sectors have important roles to play. Their roles are best played if they can be cast as partners in helping to achieve growth...
This Banks world newsletter includes some of the following issue: global poverty: what the Bank is doing about it by Shahid Javed; volunteer of the year by Christine Abel; he wears two hats; the challenge...
This report begins by discussing the economic framework for the study. The determinants of the levels of capital utilization are seen to be intricate and overlapping. The initial decisions about which...
Recent thought regarding the role of exports in the growth of manufacturing in developing countries is presented, as well as patterns of industrial development and their relationship of overall economic...
The present paper analyzes the economic problems facing the principal food processing industries in developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The main emphasis is on food processing for...