Demand-driven training (DDT) and results-based contracting (RBC) are two mechanisms used to enhance the effectiveness and impact of skill training programs. DDT links skills development explicitly with...
Despite substantial improvements in access to basic education and steady economic growth, The Gambia still faces considerable challenges in respect to reducing poverty. As the result of its narrow economic...
This review identifies over sixty countries that have or had pre-employment and enterprise training funds. The characteristics, advantages, and limitations of each are presented as well as key design questions...
Africa is unlikely to register significant developmental advances. Recognizing this reality, African governments adopted in 2002 a comprehensive Africa agriculture development program under the auspices...
The review addresses a list of questions that seem especially pertinent for skills development in Sub-Saharan Africa today, namely: What should be the role of training when there is not enough modern sector...
Cet examen tente de répondre à une liste de questions particulièrement pertinentes aujourd’hui pour le développement des capacités en Afrique subsaharienne, à savoir : quel rôle doit jouer la formation...
This review covers 24 projects started or completed in the 1990s in SSA that include assistance for technical- vocational education and training (TVET). The review of Bank experience with TVET projects...
Dissatisfaction with traditional project approaches and a recognition of the limitations of the sector adjustment programs led to the development of new lending instruments to improve the impact of development...
The rapid pace of privatization in Russia, provided the background for some changes in technological restructuring, along with some form of capital innovation, and/or work reorganization being introduced...
This review covers all education sector reports, appraisal and completion reports issued in fiscal 1984-85. Among the important findings are the following. Sector work needs to be strengthened in education...
This review evaluates the processing and benefits of seven sector loans in education. These sector loans differ from conventional loans by the extent to which they: (1) focus on policy and institutional...