This paper applies novel techniques to long-standing questions of aid effectiveness. It first replicates findings that donor finance is discernibly but weakly associated with sector outcomes in recipient...
The identification of key determinants of aid effectiveness is a long-standing question in the development community. This paper reviews the literature on aid effectiveness at the project level and then...
The objective of the Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) to Strengthen Public Investment Project for Brazil is to improve public investment planning and implementation by strengthening the capacity of the state...
One out of every three dollars invested abroad in 2012 was originated in multinationals from developing countries. This study sheds light on the characteristics, motivations, strategies, and needs of emerging...
This newsletter includes the following headings: a knowledge legacy, by Makhtar Diop; Sao Paulo city study, by Kenyon, Thomas; impact of shocks and social protection: some reflections from the analysis...
This policy note takes as its starting point the common view that there are benefits and costs to formal status and that formalization will occur only if entrepreneurs perceive it to be in their self-interest...
What policies encourage firms to become formal? The standard approach emphasizes reducing the costs of compliance with government regulation. This is unlikely to be sufficient. Instead we need to understand...
Most people agree that a good investment climate is essential for growth and poverty reduction. Less clear is how to achieve it. Many reforms are complex, involving more than technical design and content...
Drawing from more than 25 case studies, this book shows that reform often requires paying as much attention to dealing with the politics and institutional dimensions as to designing policy substance. While...
Drawing from more than 25 case studies, this book shows that reform often requires paying as much attention to dealing with the politics and institutional dimensions as to designing policy substance. While...