Children in Lebanese public schools have experienced four consecutive disrupted academic years (2019-20 to 2022-23), receiving approximately 270 days of in-person teaching compared with the 600 days they...
Education needs to recover the space it lost in national budgets because of COVID-19. Many LICs and LMICs decreased the prioritization of education spending with the onset of COVID-19. Half of these countries...
Iraq’s economy is gradually emerging from the deep recession caused by the pandemic and the plunge in oil prices in 2020. Higher oil revenues pushed Iraq’s overall fiscal and external balances into a surplus...
Le présent document d’orientation examine le rôle des finances publiques dans le développement, la protection et l’utilisation du capital humain au moment où les pays cherchent à sortir de la crise de...
This approach paper considers the role of public finance to build, protect and utilize human capital as countries seek to recover from the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis and lay a foundation...
This approach paper considers the role of public finance to build, protect and utilize human capital as countries seek to recover from the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis and lay a foundation...
This approach paper considers the role of public finance to build, protect and utilize human capital as countries seek to recover from the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis and lay a foundation...
This approach paper considers the role of public finance to build, protect and utilize human capital as countries seek to recover from the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis and lay a foundation...
This approach paper considers the role of public finance to build, protect and utilize human capital as countries seek to recover from the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis and lay a foundation...
The formation of human capital--the knowledge, skills, and health that people accumulate over their lifetimes, is critical for the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. Human capital contributes...
The economies of the GCC recovered in 2018 despite signs of weakness in the global economic outlook, reinforcing the perception that GCC economies' fortunes are still inextricably tied to oil. Global growth...
The delegates from the UAE identified a number of programmatic and policy concerns as they improve and expand the country's early childhood education and care (ECE) system. One of the most pressing issues...
The delegates from Oman articulated one main problem with advancing early childhood education (ECE) in the country: no government standards or curriculum. The first step needed to make systemic progress...
Uzbekistan is a lower middle-income country located in Central Asia with a population of 30 million people and an economy that has been growing by over 8 percent per annum since the mid-2000s. The composition...
The development objective of the Strengthening Evidence-Based Policymaking with Education Statistics and Analysis Project for Ukraine is to strengthen the capacity of Ukrainian education authorities to...