The Pacific Secondary School Program (PSSP) is a regional, multiphase program designed to identify and pilot interventions that can improve educational outcomes of secondary school–aged youth. The World...
The Pacific Secondary School Program (PSSP) is a regional, multiphase program aimed at identifying and designing interventions that can improve educational outcomes of secondary school–aged youth. The...
Human capital consists of the knowledge, skills, and health that people accumulate over their lives, enabling them to realize their potential as productive members of the society. The Human Capital Index...
Carbon pricing is increasingly used by governments to reduce emissions. The effect of carbon pricing on economic outcomes as well as mitigating factors has been studied extensively since the early 1990s...
Vietnam’s development strategy requires an urgent upgrade. Past growth has been impressive. But as a favorable domestic and international environment changes, future growth must be productivity-driven—obtaining...
Vietnam’s development strategy requires an urgent upgrade. Past growth has been impressive. But as a favorable domestic and international environment changes, future growth must be productivity-driven—obtaining...
In recent decades, Pacific Island Countries (PICs) have improved school enrollment substantially. While children are performing better on numeracy than literacy in primary school, PI Literacy and Numeracy...
In recent decades, Pacific Island Countries (PICs) have improved school enrollment substantially. While children are performing better on numeracy than literacy in primary school, PI Literacy and Numeracy...
This paper evaluates and compares two randomized interventions in Tonga, one targeting the home environment of children up to age 5 and one targeting the school environment for first and second grade students...
This paper evaluates and compares two randomized interventions in Tonga, one targeting the home environment of children up to age 5 and one targeting the school environment for 1st and second grade students...
Automation will be a boon or a catastrophe depending on whom you listen to. This paper proposes an overlapping-generations model with endogenous school choice in which the quality of a country's education...
Early grade literacy skills are crucial for children's future education and ultimately their contribution to human capital formation and economic development. A significant challenge in development is...
: Identifying cost-effective interventions to improve early literacy is vital to developing countries, given the importance of early literacy for an individual's future education outcomes and subsequent...
This document represents the first output under the reimbursable advisory services (RAS) agreement on assistance to the ministry of national education and scientific research (MNESR) for monitoring and...
There is a consensus on the need for Thailand to reform its education system to be able to compete with other high performing countries in the region. In terms of learning outcomes, the most recent evidence...
Education has played an important role in making Vietnam a development success story over the last 20 years. In the 1990s and early 2000s Vietnam experienced rapid economic growth. The accelerated growth...
Human development is one of the pillars of Botswana’s Country Partnership Strategy with the World Bank (2009-13). The Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) is in line with Botswana’s ‘vision 2016,’ which...
Botswana's economic growth has hinged on its abundant natural resources, particularly diamonds, which generate nearly half of its fiscal revenues. In terms of sustainable growth, this dependency on natural...
This note examines the skills implications of the beneficiation strategy, particularly those of diamond cutting and polishing. In addition to reviewing the government’s plans to develop downstream activities...
Botswana has pursued prudent macroeconomic policies to manage the revenue streams from diamond exports. It is now an upper-middle-income country that outperforms other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa on...