In developing countries, decentralized tiers of government are often essential to providing services to citizens, building trust and social capital, and ensuring economic, social and political stability...
In developing countries, decentralized tiers of government are often essential to providing services to citizens, building trust and social capital, and ensuring economic, social and political stability...
Reform programs sometimes falter because they are politically infeasible. Policy change inevitably creates winners and losers, so those with vested interests strike bargains to determine how far and how...
Bank support for civil service reform (CSR) in developing countries used to focus mainly on improving government pay, and employment practices. In recent years, CSR programs have sought a broader set of...
Changes in public sector institutions and governance systems in developing countries may be relatively easy to achieve technically, but very tough to implement politically. Such reforms create winners...
This report discusses China's fiscal risk, and introduces related international experience and theoretical progress. It includes three main sections: contingent liabilities in a macroeconomic perspective...
This study seeks to clarify and concretize the real administrative requirements of accession for selected Central and Eastern European countries. Throughout the study, the author tries to determine the...
Governance is the way in which public power and authority is formed and used to control and manage society's resources. Good governance rests on four pillars: (a) accountability, meaning that public officials...
A gnawing critique of civil service reform efforts persists, intimating that these civil service reform operations of the World Bank have boosted neither efficiency nor effectiveness. The outlines of the...
A gnawing critique of civil service reform efforts persists, intimating that these civil service reform operations of the World Bank have boosted neither efficiency nor effectiveness. The outlines of the...
A gnawing critique of civil service reform efforts persists, intimating that these civil service reform operations of the World Bank have boosted neither efficiency nor effectiveness. The outlines of the...
This volume is intended as a potential tool for Central and Eastern European policy makers inside and outside the public sphere who are trying to craft a new model of government for the transition and...
The paper examines current civil service management (CSM) practices in advanced industrialized countries to provide guidance for developing and transitional country governments that face the dilemma of...
The author examines current civil service management (CSM) practices in advanced countries to provide guidance for developing country governments that face the dilemma of how to recruit, retain, and motivate...
This paper reviews the Bank's experience in implementing public sector management reforms through structural adjustment lending. The study focuses on those institutional aspects of adjustment that deal...
This paper reviews the Bank's experience in implementing public sector management reforms through structural adjustment lending. The study focuses on those institutional aspects of adjustment that deal...
This paper offers an interim review of the Bank's experience with public sector pay and employment reform. Its aim is to establish what has been done and what has been learnt to date. The objectives of...
This paper offers an interim review of the Bank's experience with public sector pay and employment reform. Its aim is to establish what has been done and what has been learnt to date. The objectives of...