In this issue: Special report -Client power: making services work for the poor. The Path to Education: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Making Services Work for Poor People -guest editorial. Voice and Accountability...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
Reinikka and Svensson demonstrate that, with appropriate survey methods and interview techniques, it is possible to collect quantitative micro-level data on corruption. Public expenditure tracking surveys...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
Le Rapport sur le développement dans le monde (RDM) 2004 établit un cadre analytique et pratique pour utiliser plus efficacement les ressources, qu’elles soient internes ou externes, lors de la prestation...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
The World Development Report (WDR) 2004 warns that broad improvements in human welfare will not occur unless poor people receive wider access to affordable, better quality services in health, education...
Research has had a powerful impact on policy in Uganda, affecting the climate of opinion, improving the quality of the policy debate, and helping focus public policy and intervention on poverty reduction...
Income risk, coping strategies, and safety nets; by Stefan Dercon. The gender implications of public sector downsizing: the reform program of Vietnam; by Martin Rama. Trade, foreign direct investment...
This paper is intended to guide those who wish to undertake the Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys/Quantitative Service Delivery Surveys (PETS/QSDS). The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines...
The literature has provided important insights on the aggregate determinants of corruption, but it also drawbacks. In particular, the use of perception indices raises concern about perception biases. Second...
This book consists of series of studies written by a range of specialists who analyze the responses of private sector agents--households, farms, and firms--and of the government of Uganda itself, to the...
Les données à partir desquelles les décisions politiques sont prises restent généralement insuffisantes dans la plupart des pays à revenus faibles, où les recommandations politiques traditionnelles sont...
Lack of private investment is a serious policy problem in many developing countries, especially in Africa. Despite recent structural reform and stabilization, the investment response to date has been mixed...
Investment rates in Uganda are similar to others in Africa, - averaging slightly more than ten percent annually, with a median value of just under one percent. But the country's profit rates are considerably...
Data that can be used to inform policy decisions are typically scarce in low-income countries, where standard policy prescriptions are less likely to apply. Interventions based on inadequate information...
Using the marginal effective tax rate (METR) analysis for Uganda, and its neighboring countries, this study demonstrates that it is indeed possible that, even when a country's public revenue is low at...
Diagnostic surveys can provide vital information for decisionmakers when institutional weaknesses inhibit a more regular flow of information. If strategically designed, a survey can help induce policy...