The goal of the report is to present the knowledge on the global best practices in establishing public digital agrifood traceability platforms and outline key steps in their implementation. The report...
Food price inflation has increased persistently in recent years in Turkey with a widening divergence from international food price inflation. The study analyzes the main inefficiencies in the Turkish agricultural...
The European Union (EU) is in process of reforming and modernizing the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP). One of the envisioned changes in the new CAP 2023–27 is the modifications to the voluntary coupled...
The digital agriculture revolution holds a promise to build an agriculture and food system that is efficient, environmentally sustainable, and equitable, one that can help deliver the Sustainable Development...
In China, changing demographics, rising incomes and shifting consumer preferences have resulted in an ever-growing demand for food that is more varied, healthier and of higher quality and this demand is...
Digital technologies have significant potential to improve efficiency, equity, and environmental sustainability in the food system. A range of digital technologies are already leading to: better informed...
Like the East Germany's Trabant, the Ukrainian-made Zaporozhets was meant to be the people’s car, and as such it was the most affordable vehicle of the Soviet Union.In Western Ukraine, manufacturers from...
Uzbekistan is a landlocked, Central Asian country that shares borders with Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. In 2004–2016, Uzbekistan’s economic growth was rapid and lifted...
Uzbekistan is a landlocked, Central Asian country that shares borders with Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. In 2004–2016, Uzbekistan’s economic growth was rapid and lifted...