Millions of people connected to the main grid in developing countries face unreliable electricity. A 2019 estimate suggested that two billion people suffered annual blackouts of 100 hours or more and that...
One of the key concerns raised by the developers of mini grids is "what will become of my mini grid when the main grid arrives?" This report presents detailed case studies of what happened to isolated...
Rural Africa's low level of electrification is a topic of much discussion. One widely cited estimate is that only fourteen percent of rural households in Sub- Saharan Africa have access to electricity...
Uganda has just completed the first donor-subsidized competitive bidding program for grid connected solar photovoltaic (PV) generation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Uganda’s GET FiT Solar Facility will provide...
Rural Africa's low level of electrification is a topic of much discussion. One widely cited estimate is that only fourteen percent of rural households in Sub- Saharan Africa have access to electricity...
This document is about the private participation in electricity. Private activity in electricity in developing countries has stabilized at a modest level since 2001. Private activity also became more evenly...
The paper presents one of the first systematic attempts at defining workable regulatory systems that will help rather than hinder electrification with emphasis on off-grid electrification. It does this...
This note is a summary of a study to be published by ESMAP and the Energy and Mining Sector Board in 2006. The study proposes four principles for regulatory systems that will help, rather than hinder...
More than 200 new infrastructure regulators have been created around the world in the last 15 years. They were established to encourage clear and sustainable long-term economic and legal commitments by...
In the last ten years more than 200 infrastructure regulators have been established around the world. Generally, the new regulators were created to encourage private investment in infrastructure sectors...
An important, but often ignored, regulatory issue in developing and developed countries is the pass through of power purchase costs for distribution companies. It is important because power purchase costs...
In many developing countries, both governments and investors have expressed disappointment with the performance of recently privatized electricity distribution companies. Governments complain that tariffs...
The California power crisis is so sudden and serious that it is prompting policymakers in many countries as well as other U.S. states to look for lessons that can be applied to the reform of their own...
Which is best for effective competition in power sectors, a separate system operator, a joint-owner operator, or some combination of the two? The question is being hotly debated among power reformers...
This paper compares and contrasts the governance and regulation of power pools in England and Wales, Victoria (Australia), Alberta (Canada), and Scandinavia (Norway and Sweden). Governance is the process...
This paper discusses issues and explores options related to the reform of the power sector regulatory system in China. It stresses that for the power sector reforms to succeed, regulation must be transformed...
More than twenty countries are now reforming their power sectors. For many politicians, this reform means simply restructuring and privatizing state-owned enterprises. But, what they forget or may not...
A global market of US$30 billion a year. Company strategies. Reality checks for power forecasts. The real world of power sector regulation. Competitive contracting for privately generated power. Fiscal...