For many years, very little hard information was available about the population of the People's Republic of China. This unsatisfactory situation has changed completely in the last four years. A flood of...
This study examines the economic determinants of the demand for infant delivery in the Cebu region of the Philippines. In the Philippines, as in many low-income countries, there has been a major commitment...
In recent years, the attention of policy makers and researchers has been directed at primary health care, with little notice taken of hospitals except to observe that they take a disproportionate share...
Countries typically plan their medical care systems by focusing on broad measures of health status, geographic accessibility of government facilities, and general theories of how health services should...
This paper is intended to supplement the existing literature on health service financing schemes and the choice of government versus private sector provision of health services. While this literature has...
This report reviews PHN project and sector work, and Bank-financed research in nutrition from 1976 to 1984, identifies major successes and weaknesses, and recommends future directions for the Bank's work...
Population projections from 1985 to 2030 for every country in the World Bank's regions are reported. Age structure and demographic indicators are given for each quinquennium. Demographic indicators are...
Population projections from 1985 to 2030 for every country in the World Bank's regions are reported. Age structure and demographic indicators are given for each quinquennium. Demographic indicators are...
Population projections from 1985 to 2030 for every country in the World Bank's regions are reported. Age structure and demographic indicators are given for each quinquennium. Demographic indicators are...
Population projections from 1985 to 2030 for every country in the World Bank's regions are reported. Age structure and demographic indicators are given for each quinquennium. Demographic indicators are...
This report reviews reasons for current inadequacies in third world physician education. These include the global economic recession; fall-off of recruitment of overseas workers; inappropriate western...
This paper reviews the Brazilian social security system and analyzes the reasons for its growth and financial imbalance. A key variable affecting the system's financial equilibrium is the ratio of workers...
The relationship between household income and child survival is examined utilizing household economic and fertility data from Egypt. Neither total household income nor per capita household income show...
This paper examines tobacco policies for less developed countries within the neo-classical welfare economics framework. The need for tobacco policies arises because tobacco consumption can be an important...
This study applies the recurrent cost projection procedures to estimate the costs of Indonesia's current plans for the hospital subsector and compare the recurrent cost implications of alternative investment...
The Ammanpettai incentive family planning program was launched in February 1985 in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. This paper reviews the experience of the program in its first 10 months of operation...
Health services consume valuable resources -- equipment, buildings, pharmaceuticals, supplies, and the services of highly trained professionals. How countries pay for and allocate those resources strongly...
Because of the importance of motivation as a determinant of Egyptian contraceptive use, this paper investigates which aspects of modernization significantly affect the supply and demand components of motivation...
This paper reviews recent trends in fertility, mortality, migration, urbanization and population growth in Northeast Brazil and makes projections for the urban and rural populations of the region. The...
Based on a supply-demand theory of contraceptive use, this paper empirically investigates variations in deliberate fertility control among Egyptian women aged 35-44 in 1979-80. The results point to the...