This paper contains a numerical listing of working papers produced by the Policy, Planning, and External Affairs Complex. Each citation contains a brief abstract, and the contact point for the paper.
This paper is a brief history of financial regulation. The removal and relaxation of controls on credit and interest rates in the 1980s and the growing emphasis on prudential controls is highlighted. Three...
The author surveys recent growth models that try to explain the diversity among countries in rates of economic growth. The author finds that these models can generate differences in growth rates only in...
This paper focuses on what determines labor redundancy in selected modes of transport (rails, ports, and buses) in six countries: Brazil, Chile, Ghana, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, and Yugoslavia. It also analyzes...
When agricultural production is taxed, the system of producer prices, transport logistics, and decisions on investments in transport for exports must be considered together. Many African states raise revenue...
The optimal charge for road use is equal to variable costs for road maintenance, together with the costs road users impose on other road users and on the rest of society. One persistent question raised...
The Volan units (previously unitary but now formally dismembered) provide public transport services for both passengers and freight, and make up the largest enterprise in Hungary's road transport industry...
The term "excess liquidity" may refer to the share of liquid assets in bank portfolios (the result of a retrenchment in bank lending, or a "credit crunch") or to money holdings of the nonbank public. Excess...
A significant domestic counterpart of Morocco's vigorous external adjustment in the eighties was a decline in fixed capital formation, of which the private sector bore a sizable share. The authors focus...
Economic stability, sound macroeconomic policies, and appropriate microeconomic incentives hold down a country's external debt burden. Most of the Asian countries pursued prudent macroeconomic policies...
The Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction is one of the few organizations engaged in contraceptive research and development that focusses on the needs of...
The objective of this paper is to examine the role of fiscal policy in the management of Indonesia's environment. The aim is to develop a framework that will allow an examination of possible fiscal instruments...
Exchange rate policy has received renewed attention because of its prominent role in adjustment programs. Several analysts have examined the impact of real exchange rate uncertainty on the performance...
Canada was the first country to enact comprehensive antitrust legislation (in 1889) and to institute an antidumping system (in 1904). Canada's original "unfair" trade legislation reflected a desire to...
This paper discusses the magnitude of external resources that sub-Saharan Africa may require during the 1990s. There can be no firm projections because requirements are affected both by the growth and...
The two literatures on targeting and on intrahousehold inequality have developed rapidly over the past 15 years, but largely independent of each other. The literature on targeting concerns itself with...
This paper models a dynamic bargaining game between a highly indebted country and its commercial bank consortium, to analyze the determinants of the resulting re-scheduling agreements and the net transfer...
In the early 1980s, the Polish chemical industry got caught up in a battle waged by the European Community's chemical industry to preserve the EC market for itself. The Polish share of that market was...
Analysis of decade-long growth rates in all countries shows a striking regularity: episodes of rapid growth are limited largely to a middle range of initial income; neither very poor nor very rich countries...
Agriculture's share in an economy invariably declines as per capita income rises and as the economy develops. The literature on its causes has focused on the relative price effects arising from demand...