South Asia is home to 9 of the world’s 10 cities with the worst air pollution. Bad air quality causes an estimated 2 million premature deaths across the region each year and incurs significant economic...
Women with disabilities face additional barriers to their socioeconomic participation compared to men, with and without disabilities as well as to women without disabilities, resulting in significant employment...
Results from the Myanmar firm survey round 9 indicate that the business environment remained vulnerable. In October 2021, firms re-ported that profit declined by an average of 66 percent compared to January...
Fresh markets are the most popular places for consumers to buy groceries in the Dhaka Metropolitan Area (DMA). Known as ‘Katcha Bazar’, these markets are some of the busiest and most vibrant places in...
Value Chain Development (VCD) approaches, and building country capacity to adopt them, represent important operational tools to help World Bank client countries harness private sector potential and remove...
The economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic sharply reduced mobility and economic activity, disrupting the lives of people around the globe. This brief presents estimates on the crisis’ impact...
The September 2020 update to PovcalNet mainly involves the adoption of the revised 2011 PPPs for the estimation of global poverty. In addition, the coverage rules for reporting regional and global poverty...
State of the economy: In 2019 growth in Tanzania’s economy was again solid, but this year COVID-19is expected to cut GDP growth at least in half and increase poverty. Growth slowdown in Tanzania’smain...
When this booklet was prepared, COVID-19 was not part of our lexicon. Our concerns were more related to the low GDP growth of the region (close to zero) and the social unrest that we had been observing...
Jharkhand has a large proportion of marginal and small landholders (84 percent), who mainly practice rain-fed, single-crop subsistence farming, cultivating a low-yielding variety of paddy. A vast majority...
Following the release of new GDP estimates, nominal GDP for FY18/19 increased and the structure of the economy has changed. In October 2019, the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) released new GDP estimates...
Women’s financial inclusion is critical for advancing equity, reducing poverty and providing economic opportunities. Beyond the social benefits, there is a business case for providers to focus on women...
The practice of social accountability has evolved since the 1990s. Today, we understand social accountability as a process that enables the inclusive participation and collective action of citizens and...
In 2018, the economy expanded at a brisk pace - Rwanda's 8.6 percent growth was the highest onthe continent. Growth was broad-based. Recovering from the droughts of 2016 and 2017, agricultureexpanded by...
More and more developing country governments are tapping the global debt capital markets. Thisis increasing the amount of finance available for development, but at a considerably higher costthan traditional...
Approximately 1.2 billion people will need to gain access to electricity to achieve universal access by 2030. The only way to achieve this is through a combination of the main grid extension, mini grids...
This Governance Note explains why climate change is a governance issue. It describes the development challenge that climate change poses and the policy response. It outlines the role of institutions in...
Are taxes in Ukraine progressive? Do social protection programs in Ukraine help reduce poverty and inequality? Which programs are more effective in alleviating poverty, per hryvnia allocated to them? These...