Economic growth in the Western Balkans slowed to 2.6 percent in 2023, from the 3.4 percent reached in 2022, reflecting the impact of a weak European economy weighed down by sequential shocks. Overall...
The eagerness with which governments across the world rushed to digitize their court systems during the COVID-19 pandemic might create an impression that new technologies alone can solve the multitude...
The October 2022 update introduces the 10th edition of the Global Database of Shared Prosperity (GDSP). Shared prosperity, defined as the growth in per capita household income or consumption of the poorest...
A 250,000 US dollars ESMAP grant helped support the reengagement of the World Bank in the Yemeni power sector through the 50 million IDA-funded Yemen Emergency Electricity Access Project. ESMAP-funded...
Understanding the location and potential of renewable energy resources is a crucial pre-requisite to their utilization, and to scaling up clean and secure sources of electricity generation such as biomass...
Policy makers hesitate to increase tobacco taxes over concerns about taxes being regressive and potentially increasing poverty and inequality. This note summarizes a set of studies of the effects of raising...
Cultural distance in this Brief refers to the gap between development narratives promoted from the developed world—from experts, policymakers, and international organizations—versus political-economy practices...
Following a couple of decades of offshoring, the fear today is of reshoring. Using administrative data on Mexican exports by municipality, sector and destination from 2004 to 2014, this paper investigates...
Extension services have been implemented on a large scale in developing countries for decades. However, there is little evidence on their impact on the productivity and welfare of farmers. Our study aims...
China has experienced rapid urbanization in the past three decades, which has successfully brought unparalleled economic growth, employment creation and improvement in living standards. This paper is focused...
The international market for green bonds and securities that raise capital for specific climate or environmental sustainability purposes has experienced tremendous growth and could reach an annual market...
This report responds to a request from the Government of Lao PDR (GoL) to comment on an Action Plan (AP) to close the Resettlement Implementation Period (RIP) as defined in the Concession Agreement for...
June 1, 2003, marked the eighth anniversary of the arrival of James D. Wolfensohn to assume his duties as President of the World Bank Group. Anniversaries are a good time to look back and see from where...
Most urban transport projects have focused on improving the ability of citizens to move freely and swiftly about the city. Typically, that ability has been measured by the share of the population living...
Sex ratios at birth rose sharply in the South Caucasus countries after 1991, but recent data indicate that this trend is turning. What caused this rise, and what can be done to accelerate its normalization?...
Over recent years lower income countries have shown increasing interest in the potential benefits of public private partnerships in the prison field. This paper opens with a brief survey of the history...
The global economic crisis, microfinance over indebtedness debate, and increasing number of individuals in developing countries using credit cards for the first time have all led to financial literacy...
The document is organized as follows. Chapter two provides an introduction to the conceptual framework guiding this study. It is organized in three sections. First, it discusses the concept of universal...
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) worked together with Marsh in assessing the feasibility of a reinsurance facility for large and medium scale wind farms in China. Although wind energy insurance...
The Republic of the Philippines is an archipelago in South-East Asia with more than 7,000 islands. The Philippines has an average population of 101,833,938 (2011 Index Mundi) and the numbers keep on growing...