The World Bank’s Subnational Business Ready (Subnational B-READY) project, the successor to the Subnational Doing Business reports, offers a comprehensive framework for evaluating local business environments...
The grievance mechanism is based on a survivor-centric approach i.e., empowering the survivor of gender-based violence by prioritizing their rights, needs, and wishes. This note provides an overview of...
This note introduces the 11th edition of the Global Database of Shared Prosperity (GDSP). Shared prosperity, defined as the growth in per capita household income or consumption of the poorest 40 percent...
To respond effectively to crises, policy makers need reliable, timely evidence on its negative effects and transmission channels. Despite limitations compared to face-to-face surveys, rapid response phone...
Faced with COVID-19 (Coronavirus), countries are taking drastic action based on little information. Two tests can help governments shorten and soften economically costly suppression measures while still...
The formal private sector has a key role to play in fostering growth and reducing unemployment in South Africa-strengthening its performance is therefore critical. This paper looks at firm behaviour, firm...
This Migration and Development Brief reports global trends in migration and remittance flows, as well as developments related to the Global Compact on Migration (GCM), and the Sustainable Development Goal...
This chapter describes and seeks to take stock of a cluster of supply-side reforms that aimed to revitalize what was described by the Croatian Public Health Institute as a passive and low-impact primary...
Significant additional resources from the private sector will be needed for infrastructure in emerging market countries if the Sustainable Development Goals are to be achieved. Close to 80 percent of all...
The Bank first moved to put down roots in Eastern Africa in March 1965, when T. V. Andersen arrived in Nairobi. Over the next several months came a trickle of other recruits. Harold Young took over as...
The Millennium Development Goal of halving the incidence of extreme poverty from its 1990 level will be achieved in 2015, and the international development community is now moving to a new goal of ending...
The note examines the extent to which lack of financial capital and lack of managerial capital inhibit the growth of small firms in rural Pakistan.
Economic growth is expected to almost double in EU111 in 2014, and continues to strengthen in 2015. Overall EU11 GDP growth is forecast to strengthen from 1.4 percent in 2013 to 2.6 percent in 2014. The...
From its creation in the 1990s, the Chilean monitoring and evaluation (M and E) system has represented a substantial part of the effort to improve the use of Chile's public resources within a broader context...
The presence of female top managers in the private sector signals the existence of high paying jobs for women and also serves as further encouragement for other women to seek better employment. This note...
The Service Improvement Action Plan (SIAP) is a performance management tool developed to help local governments, especially those in developing or transition economies, improve their services. It has been...
Extractive industries (oil, gas, and mining) have the potential to generate significant wealth for developing countries and to serve as important catalysts for growth. They generate large revenues-through...
Russia's economy grew 3.4 percent in 2012, down from 4.3 percent in 2011. The economy of Russia slowed in the second half of the year due to weak net exports, negative base effects, and destocking at the...
Russia's economy grew 3.4 percent in 2012, down from 4.3 percent in 2011. The economy of Russia slowed in the second half of the year due to weak net exports, negative base effects, and destocking at the...
Corporate sustainability ratings are a potentially powerful but still underused tool for building a competitive, socially purposeful, and financially sound enterprise. In a globalizing world replete with...